What is everyone working on right now? =) I am still on my cardigan, using the circular needles - which I hate *uggh* Anyone wanna finish it for me? jk! Uhh....kinda!
Whether its knitting, beading, crocheting, felting, artwork, etc etc. - post an update on your newest project! Or project ya wanna start! Or even a pic/link to the project you are working on. I am nosey like that lol
Our Kitchen Renovation Part 1
5 years ago
I was so disappointed I had to miss last week. My mom could not watch my kids as late as I had hoped.
I decided to work on a hat for my son. A ribbed edge, but I am going to improvise on the body and have fun with it. Also, I am showing my son the process as I work on it so that he can begin to understand it(hopefully??)
I love, love Berroco Comfort yarns - yummy and so soft. I wish they had more variegated ones, though.
Because I am ADD and have no loyalty to any project I'm currently schlepping around three projects.
1. the sleeve to my brother's sweater, which I promised him 2 years ago. If guilt could knit and purl that sucker would be finished.
2. the gray sweater for me.
3. open work scarf for my mom.
At home I've also become obsessed with felting sweaters to make coaster....this makes sense trust me.
So how is the hat going for ya K? =) I have knitted one hat and actually had fun doing so - its alot smaller project than some I try to accomplish, so more of a feeling of accomplishment is achieved quicker lol
Did you yake any knitting with you to Seattle J? =) And I *love* how your grey sweater is looking so far!!
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