Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Upcoming Events

GET TOGETHER: Thursday, April 16th - 7PM @ Teapouros

'HOW-TO' CLASS: Saturday, May 2nd @ 11 A - Basics of car maintenance (i.e change oil, change tires, charging a battery, etc.) at my house in Shawnee.

DUCT-TAPE DRESS FORM EVENT: Sunday, May 17th @ 2 or 3 PM (tentative) Dee Anna will be emailing me more details and confirmation on this soon =)

BOULEVARD BREWERY TOUR: Saturday, June 6th @ 4 PM (Kansas City)** Please let me know ASAP on this. Limited amount of people allowed due to fire code restrictions **

PARTAY!!! : Saturday, June 27th- More details to follow shortly! =)

As always, if you guys have any suggestions, feel free to post them!

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