Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I figgered I needed some new shoes tonite, so I went to DSW online to search for some (cuz, umm......I am a freak and HATE going to stores). One of the first things that I notice are their new rain boots - they are all decorated with something (like the below picture).
Which got lil ole me to thinking, why couldnt a person just take a plain ole boot and decorate it him/herself? I am not sure how well things like puff paint would stay on a boot exposed to the weather like that, but......
And of course, all this got me to thinking of other clothes you can make and/or decorate. Like when I was younger, I was jealous of everyone but me having stone washed jeans, and since we didnt have much money to get me brand new jeans, I took some bleach and splashed it all over some garage sale jeans I already had. Suffice it to say, it was a rather unique look that I do not remember anyone copying, but I was happy with them. And that all that matters right? =) Well... lemme rephrase that, I did have one complaint. It took MANY washings to get those jeans not to smell like bleach lol
So anyone else been creative like lil ole moi? =)


silfert said...

There was my dad's costume for the cowboy sketch in the USO... It even featured hand-painted boots. And red long johns...

Lisa Marie said...

Watcha hand-paint on da boots? =)