Monday, July 6, 2009

Tag! YOU are it! =)

It appears that I have been tagged by A on her blog @ =) Looks like I need to post the 10th picture in the first folder - which I am afraid might make ya'all think I am a bit odd, but....

Rulez are rulez lol

And oh! Am supposed to tag 5 more people, so I pick Kelli (, Jeannie (, Becky (, and Dee Anna & Lora ( - even tho A already picked them on her blog as well. I think they have been slackin' on posting stuff on their blog, so this *should* help lol

And now, for the picture!! =)


silfert said...

Priceless! Almost doesn't need an explanation, but tell us where you were when this bit of art was created?

Lisa Marie said...

I believe that piece of art was created just this last winter =) I had put a coffee cup up on the dash and immediately it fogged up in a perfect circle - so I hurriedly drew a smiley in it and took a pic lol