Sunday, April 19, 2009

Recycled Kitty Litter

Not too long ago, posted information about someone who took kitty litter and recycled it to create yarn. They are now opening up stores that feauture this yarn. While I am glad there are people out there that do not want to ....ummm......waste things, this seems a bit silly. I have to wonder how much energy it takes to recycle kitty litter and if the effort is really worth it. Or if its only a marketing ploy to get fiber addicts to buy something new. Watcha all think? What are some of the things you have heard being recycled that you thought a bit 'odd'? I posted the link below for ya'all to check out =)


Anonymous said...

I think, if there was someone I really didn't like then I would knit them a scarf out of this yarn.

But I would just tell them it was eco-friendly yarn. And giggle a lot in private.

Anonymous said...

Ummm, wow, that woman had some serious free time.

Is it weird that I want some?

Dee Anna

Anonymous said...

Umm you do know this was an April Fools joke? Right?

Anonymous said...

If you click on the link for the yarn company you go to this link.

Lisa Marie said...

LOL - how funny! No....I didnt know anyway =) I got this via email and didnt bother to look at the date on it!

Thanks for letting us know! If nothing else, it gave us something to talk about =)