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Grade School Art
OK, I know ya'all have done some sort of artwork when you were in grade school =) Whether its glueing pasta on cardboard, sketching a portrait of you and your family or filling a vase with different colored sands - ya'all made something during those young years of your life that you were awfully proud of or remember more so than any other. Or maybe it was just the teacher you thought was pretty darn awesome. Whatever it was, please share! Am curious to hear what creative stuff everyone did when they were younger & I didnt know 'em yet =)
I carved a lion out of a formica/plywood thing for the purpose of making a stamp. My mom recently gave it to me. :-) LOVE IT.
I drew pictures constantly. I can't remember one in particular, because I was ALWAYS drawing. My sister would get mad that I used up all the paper ALL the time.
Cagey ~
How kewl =) Did your art teacher think if that? Or did you?
Lora ~
Do you still have some of your old pics? =)
I think the earliest I still have is from 5th or 6th grade. (Unfortunately) My aunt just wrote me and told me that she came across some really old drawings of mine and put them in a scrap book. I'd be interested to see those.
(What's yours, Lisa?)
Well.... probably the one I remember the most is an oil painting I did in art class =) Honestly, it was the typical landscape pic a young girl does (horse, grass, horse eating grass, yada yada, lol), but I was *very* encouraged by my art teacher's praise on it. Wish I still had the pic!
I wish you still had it too! Don't you still paint from time to time? Would love to see your stuff if you do!
L ~
I used to paint from time to time - now am having trouble *finding* any extra time to do so! =/ Think the first thing on my list is a schedule of how my day, week, month year will be and stick to it so I manage to do things I like to do - like paint! =)
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