Saturday, January 10, 2009

Welcome Ya'All!!! =)

Yup! I have officially started a blog for everyone to view for upcoming events - aren't I spiffy? lol For any new gals, we have had a knitting group for several years now and have decided that we need to have an area online for everyone to post ideas for events, thoughts on projects and such. However, we have also decided that we do not want to be *just* a knitting group. We want to encourage anyone interested in any arts or crafts to join us, such as beading, drawing, cross stitch and more. We also encourage anyone to just drop by and hang out with us, as we not only get together to do our arts and crafts, but we do schedule social events for us all to do.

I know I am a bit biased, but I think we have an AWESOME group of gals! Anyone who joins us always feels welcome, and anyone is also able to speak their mind. We talk about anything and everything, and even though that sometimes interferes with us getting our projects done, I think it makes for a very relaxed and fun group to be with =)

Welcome to our Blog!!


loloen said...

Hey Lisa! First to comment, YEAH!

Our group sucks and I hate it. Just kidding. It's the sunshine in my life and reason for getting out of bed in the morning, after my dear husband and children.

This is a great idea BTW. We needed something like this and it will be easier on you then sending out mass emails all the time.

Lisa Marie said...

Thank Dee for the idea! =)