Friday, January 16, 2009

Upcoming Events

GET TOGETHER: Thursday, January 29th - 7 PM @ Teapouros on Mass Street in Lawrence

SUNFIRE CERAMICS: Sunday, February 8th - 2 PM - Painting Pottery Event

GET TOGETHER: Sunday, February 22nd - 2 PM @ Bistro Bellas/Kasold & Clinton Pkwy


loloen said...

Yes, me likey. Thanks for the update. I'm super excited about Sunfire.

Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to Sunfire too. Only problem is I will reveal my amazing lack of artistic/painting talent.

Dee Anna

Lisa Marie said...

Yay! Finally got the blog fixed so Dee can post =) Now A has no excuses lol

Anonymous said...

Don't tell the blog I'm here...
Putting the 22nd on my calendar...

Lisa Marie said...

Blog told on ya silfert =) Also told me it didnt call you the names you said it did.....

*shakes head sadly*
