Saturday, January 17, 2009

Macy's Chocolate Tin

We were given a tin box from Macy's full of chocolate for a Christmas gift. It is now empty - honestly, its been empty for quite some time, but.....

Anyway! I was wondering what I will now do with the tin. I thought about saving it & just using it for storage, but I already have several that I am doing that with and do not really *need* another. I could set it out on the counter, but its not really pretty on the outside. Its just a reddish-brown tin with Macys on it lol

So.... what should I do with it? Should I not be environmentally friendly and throw it away? What all have you guys done with tins like that? Would it be hard to redecorate it?


loloen said...

How deep is the tin? And how big?

Craft glue, buttons and sequins and HULLO, you got a container fit for Ms. Britney herself. Then you could fill it with cookies, or other delicious item you made abd give it as a gift. Viola!

Anonymous said...

You could recycle it?

Anonymous said...

A paper crafting store I knew in Oregon used tins for odd little photo albums.

Those were about the size of an Altoids tin. I think I remember how they were made.

Sally, The Fearless Knitter said...

I used to receive my b/w processed film in tins. Too good to throw away, but what to do?
I took some leftover wallpaper from a remodeling project, cut out the large floral motifs, and decoupaged them on the tins along with a few beads. Kept one and gave the rest as gifts. Turned our very nice.

Lisa Marie said...

All excellent ideas, now just need motivation to take one of these excellent ideas and do sumpin with it =)

It is *still* sitting on top of my fridge lol