Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I am loosing WAY too much hair. I seriously do not think anyone else I know leaves his/her hair on everything =/ I do the laundry and put on a shirt *right* out of the dryer - it has clumps of hair inside the friggin shirt. I sit in my jeep during my lunch break at work and I look around and see loose hair everywhere. I put my coat on in the morning before heading out to work, my hand comes out of the sleeve with hair on it.

There is hair in my shower drain.

There is hair on the chair I sit in at work.

There is hair in my socks & shoes.

There is hair in our bed.

There is hair on the floor.

Its EVERWHERE - including my head ironically. Cuz you wouldnt think after loosing this much hair, that I would have any left.

My point? I wanna know everyone's tips (vitamins, conditioners, vitamin conditioners, glue .... err, just seeing if ya'all were paying attention with the last one lol) that I can try to KEEP my hair in/on my head.

Watcha all suggest? =)


Anonymous said...

Rosemary scalp rinse and daily scalp massage. Preferably while seated in a neck-deep bubble bath, eating Godiva chocolate and strawberries and drinking champagne. To reduce the stress that's causing the hair loss, of course.

Lisa Marie said...

So..... have to ask.... does the rosemary smell like I have been cooking when I rub it on my scalp? lol

I like the bubble bath, scalp massage, chocolate, strawberries (latter two my fav 2 food groups =))& champagne tho!

You are wise,very, VERY wise... =)

Anonymous said...

I have thick hair too and the only thing I can come up with is that it's so thick the new hair growing in has no other place to go. When I get my hair cut the floor likes like they shaved a dog. I have hair all over everything... when I run the vacuum it's full of dust and my hair.